Monday, March 14, 2011

Love and Friendship

One more book about love and friendship before I entertain you with something completely different. I recently had the opportunity to ask Sean Beaudoin, author of "You killed Wesley Payne" a few questions, but you'll have to come back later this week find out what he had to say. Of course you could follow my blog and receive notices whenever I post something new.That is for another day. This is for today. 

“Sweet Treats and Secret Crushes”

By Lisa Greenwald
For Ages 11 – 14
Like a slumber party gone haywire, three girls talk about friendship and love; and poke their noses into everyone's lives as well. This fast-paced preteen novel contains realistic angst, teen relationships, dialogue and well-formed characters. But don’t worry; moms can feel confident suggesting this book to their daughters. Rated 4 (teen angst, relationships, Valentine's Day)

Three friends are snowed in at their Brooklyn Apartment building on Valentine’s Day. In an effort to salvage the day, and maybe spread a little love in the process, they decide to make homemade fortune cookies and deliver them to their neighbors. It sounds like a good idea, but things don’t always go as smoothly as the girls would like. With their distinct personalities, the friends tend to rub each other the wrong way. They discover secrets that each other have been keeping and the relationships face a real threat.

Greenwald successfully alternates the narrative between each girl and genuinely expresses their distinct personalities, giving the reader a unique insight into the preteen psyche. We see varying perspectives on the events set in motion by the prescient fortunes that the girls create. In the end the girls weather the storm and grow closer. So too do the neighbors in their apartment building who enjoy the tasty fortune cookies.

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