“The Amazing Adventures of Nate Banks: Secret Identity Crisis”
By Jake Bell
For Ages 7 - 10
This series is fun and fast. Think “Captain Underpants” without the potty humor. “The Amazing Adventures of Nate Banks" is a chapter book that will appeal to young boys like a comic book.
Rated: 3.5
The Good: Super heroes and a good message.
The Bad: Light on quality content.
Nate Banks is Kanigher Falls' biggest comic book expert, which also means he is an expert on super heroes. Usually it is only the big cities who get their own heroes but, when Ultra Violet appears in Kanigher Falls Nate becomes a little obsessed with the mysterious purple-clad hero. Nate is struggling a little in school, but Professor Content gives Nate a chance to earn a little extra credit. All he has to do is put a report together on Ultra Violet. That is when things really get interesting. Nate discovers Ultra Violet's secret identity, unwittingly aids the big, bad guy and helps save the day.
Secret Identity Crisis, “Freezer Burned,” and the other installments in the series are fun and fast reads. Think “Captain Underpants” without the potty humor. Each issue also contains an 8-page comic book that helps tell the story.